
HTG, Vietnam - A Jacket Factory is Now BSCI Certified!

We are proud to share that we have received the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) certification, adding to our impressive list of certifications that includes WRAP and ISO 9001:2015.

We are proud to have undergone rigorous evaluations to obtain these certifications and to have demonstrated our dedication to improving the lives of workers in the supply chain. These certifications are a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality products while maintaining ethical standards.

We are grateful for the hard work of our team, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that we meet these rigorous standards. We would also like to thank our customers and partners for their ongoing support and trust in our company.

Let us continue to work together to promote ethical and sustainable manufacturing practices.

Hoang Tam Garments Hoang Tam Garments Hoang Tam Garments Hoang Tam Garments Hoang Tam Garments Hoang Tam Garments